Thursday, June 02, 2005

A new job!

Yes, I have rejoined the employed populace by accepting a position at U.S. Central, a credit union for credit unions. Don't ask me to explain, as I'm new to the financial world, but hopefully I'll learn quickly. I start June 13th, and Justin and I plan to take a short trip before then, so I can release all the stress of the job-finding process. I am very grateful for this opportunity, as I've heard many good things about this company, and evidently my reputation is preceeding me. I have to thank my sister for putting me in touch with the recruiter who found the position, and I also want to give a BIG thank-you to my coworker Josh Gammon, who evidently respects my skills as much as I respect his. My new manager happened to work with Josh in the past, and so she called him out of the blue to get the "low-down" on me. Not only did that go over well, but another business analyst placed at U.S. Central by the same recruiter is someone that I worked with at Sprint in the past. All the pieces have come together -- now I just need to do my part!

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