Friday, April 25, 2008

Random thoughts

So I wanted to test using email to blog from work – the idea is that I’ll actually post more often that way. Ever heard the saying, "Don’t mix friends and business", or something to that effect? Well, I am trying to deal with that lately. I like to be on good terms with my coworkers, and I am currently blessed that I really like the people on my team right now. That means that most of them I would actually consider my friend as well as coworker. Lately, however, this has led to stress on my account when one of my colleagues doesn’t something really stupid. In fact, one person in particular has basically screwed up our application in so many ways lately that it is starting to cause me nightmares. How should I approach this person? He is so happy-go-lucky, that I don’t think he is bothered with the mess that we are dealing with. But I am bothered. I take great pride in my work, and thus in the application that I develop and support, and when it isn’t working right I feel responsible and want to work hard to correct the situation. How do I tell this guy he is a screw-up and I never want to work with him again, but yet I still want to be his friend because he is happy and fun to be around?

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