Sunday, March 26, 2006

My, that canyon sure is Grand

Well, we made it to the Grand Canyon and home in one piece. Back when we were discussing where to go for a vacation, we wanted someplace sunny and warm for a spring trip. I mean, what do you usually think of when you picture the Grand Canyon? Big, bright sun, the dry desert, blue skies, shorts and sunburn, right? As it turns out, that is only true for certain months of the year. Months that do not include March. Our vacation started off just fine. Our flights to San Francisco went smoothly, and we enjoyed some delicious sushi and an entire relaxing day with Roger and Marian before we packed up the van and headed east. As the long 12-hour drive came to an end, things turned ominous. The last hour was very dark and a little snowy when we finally got close late Sunday night. We couldn't really see much of anything, including the street signs, which made finding our lodge somewhat frustrating. The next morning, we decide to start off easy by walking along the Rim Trail, which doesn't change elevation and is actually paved most of the way. Here is my first view of the canyon. (Note: All pictures can be clicked on for a larger image.)  Posted by Picasa

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